Can Ch.

Char's Spice Up T' Parti

Char's Tri'd N Tru Parti
Wee Hearts n Char's Parti for Evie

Gender: Female

Call name: Spicy

Owner: Brenda Brookes

Breeder: Charlotte Meyer

Spicy, half sister to Shania, is another exciting addition to our fledgling parti Pom breeding program. She is a delightfully sweet little girl. Spicy is a Canadian champion and now an excellent mom.


Char's Tri'd N Tru Parti


Char's Meant To Be A Parti

Am. Can. Ch

Finch's Char's Spellbound Parti ROM


Finch's Peacemaker Parti

Finch's Come Parti With Me

Finch's Chars Rumor of a Parti


Finch's Rockin' Parti

Finch's Jazz Jammin Parti

Am. Can. Ch

Oakrose Wrapped n' Ribbons

Jandala's Wrongway Corrigan

Carmacs Wee Hellion of Dusty

Carmacs Wee Leaping Lena

Can Ch.

Oakrose Calico and Lace

BIS Am. Can. Ch

Foxworth Frontier Spirit ROMX

Can Ch.

Keldabista's Promises Kept ROM

Wee Hearts n Char's Parti for Evie

Wee Hearts Under A Parti Influence

Wee Heart Look'n 4 A Parti Crowd

Wee Hearts I Otto B Dreaming

Wee Hearts Painted Feather

Wee Hearts Black N Tandy


Southland's Janesa Berry Tby

Wee Hearts Stylish Dream

Wee Hearts Future Star

Wee Hearts Trigger Happy

Cashmere's Billy The Kid

Wee Hearts Perfect Alibi

Wee Heart Star Of Sarahnade

Wee Heart's N Search Of Stars

Wee Hearts Guns And Posies


Keesbrook’s Parti In A Tiara


Keesbrook’s Parti In A Tiara

Simvol Goda Martin Rey X Char's Spice Up T' Parti